March 29, 2013

Year in review- part 1

As most of you know, Jessica is now on her mission. We dropped her at the MTC on Wednesday. You might be asking how we got from her high school graduation (My last post) to her in the MTC. Well, I am way behind!! Jessica set up a blog 
( ) for her mission and asked me to update it with her e-mail and happenings while she is gone. I warned her about my blogging history, but she has faith I will follow through. I figured that I had better catch my own blog up before all the letters start coming or I will be hopelessly behind. So here it is:

 The Savage Family June 2012- March 2013 review


In June, Brad and Jenny's girls came and stayed a week while their mother was taking a much needed break. It was fun to have girls around the house. 

We don't have many girl toys and dress-ups but they made the most of it.

While they were here, we celebrated Miles' 8th birthday. He has been waiting for this one for a long time. We celebrated in St. George with family. Later on June 30th he was baptized. What a special day.


Ralph and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary in June as well. We went to Salt Lake for a session at the temple.We stayed where we spent our honeymoon and ate at some of the restaurants that we had visited 20 years before. It's been 20 wonderful years!

We were able to take a last minute trip up to Manti to see the Mormon Miracle Pagent and visit the cemetery where some of our ancestors are buried.

We camped at Palisade lake (Funk Lake) named after my great, great grandfather.

At the end of June, Tanner spent 4 days rafting down the green river with his scout troop. He had a blast and earned a few more merit badges.


We spent the fist few days of July at the Gilliland family reunion. Our original cabin location was threatened by a wild fire and so we scrambled to find a new spot up at Brian Head. Of course it was lots of fun.
Grandpa handing out Tic Tac's

Beautiful Cedar Breaks

Kids getting ready for the treasure hunt

On his way to early morning cross country practice, Brant had a mishap on his bike. He ended up getting  interior and surface stitches on his forehead and under his eye as well as some great looking road rash. We are so glad that it wasn't any worse.

Brant getting his stitches removed on the trek

A week after Brant's accident, Miles went to stay with cousins while the rest of us drove to Martins Cove for a ward pioneer trek.It was a wonderful and moving experience.
cooling off in the Sweet Water

Tanner's Trek family

Ralph & I got to be Ma & Pa

Dallin's Trek family

Jessica's trek family

Brant's trek family

Jessica playing her harmonica