October 17, 2011

Homecoming week

Homecoming week at Cedar high was busy. With 3 kids in high school, there were plenty of activities to attend and be involved in. Jessica enjoyed dressing up for spirit week.
This is character day.
 Miles and Jessica attended the homecoming game Friday night against Dixie. Unfortunately the fans looked better than the game went. No Picture, but Dallin was at the game too. Ralph and I were helping with the concessions.

Brant was at the game, playing in the pep band.

The Dance
Jessica and Dallin had their day date for Homecoming. This was Dallin's very first date. They went bowling with a big group and had a blast bowling in lots of crazy ways.
Part of the Bowling group. Jessica is 1st on the right, Dallin's date (Brittany Brown) is the 3rd from the right
Jessica and her date, Tanner McGuire
Bowling through their teams legs

Dallin and Jessica ready for the dance

Jessica and Tanner

Jessica's group

Dallin and Brittany at the president's suite

1 comment:

Pickle said...

what beautiful kids and what fun days!